Snuff Bottles
Snuff bottle glass overlay pink and black - China 19th century
Porcelain enamel polychrome snuff bottle a dragon is looking for the burning pearl China 19th century
Snuff bottle enamelled on bronze - Canton 1900/1930
Snuff bottle porcelain molded with bird and lotus on each face - 1890/1920
Bronze tobacco bottle one of the two sides is shaped like a cup of tobacco it is signed by Cheng Rongzhang and dated from 1646 3rd year of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi first Emperor of the Qing dynasty - China 1830/1920
Aquamarine snuff bottle in the shape of fruit - China 19th century
Porcelain snuff bottle finely painted with flowers and rock on a side other side with a poem of emperor Qianlong - Imperial mark period Qianlong 1736/1795
Cylindrical shaped snuff bottle in three colors on opaque white background decorated with flowers and bamboo stems China 1780/1850
Snuff bottle yellow glass - China 19th century
two snuff bottles of ecusson shape porcelain molded and carved to decor of erotic scenes (couples in a richly furnished interior) masks and rings at the shoulders - Mark Qianlong - China 19th century
Porcelain snuff bottle finely decorated in iron red lotus flowers and different flowers in their foliage China 19th century
snuff bottle light beige glass with red spots China 1780/1850
snuff bottle in amethyst carved pagodas in landscapes China 19th century
rare snuff bottle in porcelain godronnée a decor of flowers bamboos prunus - Kilns imperial of Jingdezhen Mark and period Daoguang 1821/1850
Porcelain snuff bottle enamelled in iron red decorated on each side of a dragon and on the sides of clouds - Imperial Jingdezhen kilns - Daoguang mark and period 1821/1850
Snuff bottle porcelain ecusson shape decorated with characters in landscapes - Marque qianlong China 1780/1850
rare white porcelain snuff bottle decorated with dragons "shi". masks with shoulders -mark trinket jade- china probably imperial kilns 1770/1820 -
Amber snuff bottle with carved decoration of a fisherman on one side and on the other of a boatman china circa 1790/1850
Snuffbottle in root amber carved with characters in landscapes - China 1790/1850
Snuff bottle porcelain Enamelled Iron red Porcelain moulded and reticulated with Dragon and Phoenix Decoration - China Jiaqing Period 1796/1820
Agate snuff bottle (well hollowed out)has natural decor with shoulder masks - China 1800/1850
Galerie Bertrand de Lavergne - Paris - Porcelain from China and Japan - Snuff bottles - Oriental Art
Beautiful red glass snuffbottle overlay on bully background adorned on each side of a dragon shi China 1750/1820
Moulded porcelain snuff box with fantastic animals decor - China 1800/1840
Porcelain snuff bottle decorated with a dignitary holding a bouquet of flowers - Mark Hongxian - It is Yuan Shikai who is named Emperor in 1915 and dies in 1916 - China circa 1916
Snuff bottle red overlay glass with Shou Lao holding a peche of longevity and looking at peches and on the other side of a character holding a cup on a tray in front of a pine - China 1800/1850
Cinnabar red lacquer snuffbottle decorated with scholars under the pines . the sides decorated with rocks - China 19th century
Celadon green nephrite jade snuffbottle in the shape of .pumpkin with its leaves and another small fruit in a reddish brown inclusion - China 19th century
Nephrite jade snuffbottle carved in the shape of fruit branch in high relief and leaves around the opening of the bottle - China 19th century
Superb jade snuff bottle sculpted with "Shuang xi" sign and a monkey-1750/1850-
snuff bottle porcelain soft paste decorated in underglaze blue with a dragon - 1770/1830 - Probably imperial kilns -
porcelain snuff bottle decorated with flowers cat and butterfly on each face - Attributed imperial kilns of jingdezhen - Daoguang period 1821/1850
Chinese nephrite jade snuff bottle with pale celadon and other side russet color - circa 1730/1850 -
Snuff bottle jade white and brown spot of pebble shape (Well hollowed) - 1700/1820 -
Amber snuff bottle sculpted - 1740/1800 -
Small snuff bottle enamelled white glass - Guyue xuan mark (ancient moon pavillon) Yangzhou 1775/1799
Snuff bottle agate very well hollowed - Official school - probably Imperial palace workshops - 1730/1830
agate snuff bottle carved in the light brown vein of a horse and a monkey - China official school 1750/1850
Rock crystal snuff bottle sculpted in low relief with liu hai , bat , crane . inscribed "shou shan fu hai" seal Wen Yuan - Rustic Crystal Master 1730/1880
Tourmaline snuff bottle carved in the shape of fruit with foliage and flowers. Jadeite stopper carved in the shape of flowers ... late 19th century 4cm
Jade nephrite snuff bottle sculpted with "Shou"design-1750/1820
rock crystal smoked snuff bottle -gold bronze mounted - rock crystal 1760/1840 bronze european 1800/1850
Snuff bottle fossiliferous stone "limestone" of pebble material with splash white on rust ground - 1750/1820
Snuff bottle coral sculpted with bats and two dragons - circa 1740/1820
snuff bottle porcelain enamelled yellow molded and sculpted with a dragon - Qianlong mark - School of Wang Bingrong - circa 1850
Snuff bottle porcelain decorated with a green Dragon -Imperial kilns of Jingdezhen seal mark Daoguang 1821/1850 and in the period -
Snuff bottle porcelain piriform painted in iron red on each faces with a Dragon - Imperial kilns Daoguang mark and period 1821/1850
Snuff bottle porcelain decorated in polychrome crab - Imperial Kilns of Jingdezhen - Mark Shen de Tang 1821/1850
Snuff bottle porcelain molded and reticulated with decor Shou Lao deer and children on a face and other face with two figures and children and Buddhist emblems on the sides - Imperial Jingdezhen kilns Jiaqing mark and period 1796/1820
Porcelain snuff bottle with decoration of the garrison or fort of Jiujang (Jiangxi province) watered by the great river according to the inscription on a banner - mark Qianlong china 1820/1850
rare porcelain snuff bottle decorated with figures and cricket and other side with cricket on its cage Imperial kilns of jingdezhen mark and period daoguang 1821/1840
snuff bottle Yixing ware decorated in blue enamel and panels in polychromy with Chinese dogs - Bob Stevens l a daté de la periode revolutionnaire avant 1970 - likely XIX° century
two porcelain snuff bottles in the form of watches painted in polychrome landscapes in the style of traditional Chinese painting. China 19th century
Porcelain snuff bottle of peeble shape decorated in light relief of two crabs and aquatic plants -1820/1880
snuff bottle porcelain with a low relief a Dragon in iron red Mark and period Daoguang 1821/1850
Snuff bottle blue and white porcelain melon-shaped bottle decorated with small melons and flowers -1800/1850 H 7,4cm
Porcelain Snuff Bottle decorated in underglaze blue
snuff bottle porcelain blue and white painted in nice undergglaze blue with dragon and clouds - 1800/1860
Porcelain snuff bottle "blue and white" decorated with dragons in the cloud - Circa 1800/1850
Snuff bottle porcelain "soft past" blue and white painted with dragons - 1800/1850 -
Snuff bottle blue white porcelain in the shape of jar decorated with bamboos - Circa 1780/1820 RESERVED
Porcelain snuff bottle "blue and white" painted wih Immortals -1800/1820
Small snuff bottle porcelain blue and white square form - Kangxi mark - Circa 1790/1840 (H porcelain 4,5cm)
Snuff bottle in rock crystal octogonal - 19th century -
snuff bottle jade nephrite in shape of fruits finely incised - Circa 1750/1850
Snuff bottle jade celadon with the mark XUTING it is a wish " that you may know the continuation of your presence in court at the imperial hearings" . circa 1900 -
Snuff bottle jade celadon color double gourd - 19th century
Snuff bottle of oval shape flattened jade nephrite celadon decorated with numerous signs "Shou" (longevity) in light relief - China 1750/1820
Silver snuff bottle incised in each face with fenghuang - Masks to the shoulders - 18th/19th century
Smoked rock crystal snuff bottle painted inside Zhong Kui the demons tamer and on the other side the sister of Zhong Kui - China painted in the workshop of the Apricot grove signed by Ye Zhongsan and dated 1919
snuff bottle glass inside painted - Yan Yutian 1895 - Its the Zhou Leyuan school -
Rock crystal snuff bottle painted in its interior of Zhong Kui surrounded by demons on one side and on the other the sister of Zhong Kui on a char signed by Ye Zhongsan and dated 1919
-Snuff bottle in glass inside painted with a rider and his servant with calligraphy on one side and on the other of a camel man and camel -Signed by Gui Xianggu and dated 1899
Red overlay glass snuff bottle sculpted from two horses on each side - China 1800/1850
snuff bottle jade spotted green apple and rust - 1750/1850
snuff bottle jadeite apple green - stopper coral sculpted with a dragon - 1800/1860
Elephant figure lying in porcelain carrying on its back a silver snuffbottle reticulated in the spirit of Mongolia most probably from the Beijing Imperials workshops and specially adapted for the back of the elephant- Circa 1790/1820
Rare snuff bottle in agate carved and mounted in gilded brick - China 19th century for the snuffbottle and 20em for the mount probably made by Leb Kueenner for the house Yamanaka New York (Signature difficult to read)
snuff bottle porcelain molded with eight immortals on a dark green background - 1800/1830
snuff bottle porcelain enamelled iron red - 19th century
Red overlay glass snuff bottle carved of fish and marine animals - Rare mark under the base - China 1800/1850
snuff bottle glass double overlay with a fish on each face - 19th century
Snuff bottle red and blue glass overlay with a fish-decorated - 1790/1850 H 7cm
Snuff bottle glass five colors on white ground with flowers pine bamboo bird - Yangzhou 1800/1850
snuff bottle overlay glass Brown on white ground sculpted with a mobilar decor Yangzhou school 1800/1870
Glass Snuff bottle overlay -Yangzhou 1790/1850
snuff bottle overlay red on opalescent ground - 1750/1820
Nice snuff bottle glass imitating the realgar stone - 1750/1800
Snuff bottle glass imiting a stone (Probably the Porphyre)Chine 1770/1850
snuff bottle glass overlay red with caligraphy on a face and box and lotus other face - 1800/1870 -
Rare snuff bottle enamelled glass - Seal mark Qianlong and period 1736/1795 Imperial glass
Enamelled glass snuff bottle on white background of characters in landscapes - Attributed to the workshops of Yangzhou - Qianlong mark - late 18th century
enamelled glass snuff bottle painted in polycroms color with flowers leaves and insects Mark period Qianlong 1736/1795
glass enamelled snuff bottle decorated on a face with dragon and flowers and other face with phoenix and flowers mark qianlong - Yangzhou school - circa 1770/1790
snuff bottle blue bubble glass - 1750/1820 H 5,5cm
Nice snuff bottle glass light blue transparent - 1750/1820 -
Snuff Bottle glass overlay blue sculpted with Lotus and flowers Qianlong period
Rare Overlay glass Snuff Bottle Turquoise and red rubis - 1770/1830
glass saphir snuff bottle faceted in the shape of imperial workshop. 19th century
glass snuff botthe blue saphir - qianlong period 1736/1795
Good overlay snuff bottle finely sculpted with different figures on each face - Circa 1760/1820
Very rare glass snuff bottle imiting the rock cristal. Chine, XVIII / XIX th century.
Glass snuff bottle overlay green on light brown - 1800/1850
snuff bottle glass aventurine imitating perfect the stone _ 19° century silver mount by maquet nice (France)
Snuff bottle glass overlay red cinnabar on light blue background .Chine 1780/1830-
Glass snuff bottle overlay 3 colors on green carved and decorated with a coin -1770/1850
Glass Overlay snuff bottle pink and black sculpted with eight horses of legendary Mu Wang Circa 1800/1860
Jade snuff bottle sculpted in a face with birds and prunus and other face with for caracters "can you be first laureat" 1750/1850
Rectangular shaped light green jade snuff bottle carved on each side with shou signs. 1750/1850
Carved rock crystal snuff bottle of a sage and a bat - Master of the rustic crystal with his cup 1790/1850
Snuff bottle porcelain decorated with insect - 1900/1930
Snuff bottle porcelain squirrel shape - 19th century
Snuff bottle in agate known as "macaroni" China 1780/1850 H 5,2cm
Porcelain snuff bottle in pear shape molded in polychrom with figures pavillon and horse-(Stopper in suite)mark Chenghua -Epoque Jiaqing 1796/1820
Rare snuff bottle carved wood with masks on the shoulders . each side carved in the shape of a tobacco cup - 19th century H 5,7cm
snuff bottle seed pod with a copper metal collar - 19th century H 5,8cm
agate snuffbottle finely carved from a phoenix looking at a flower and on the other side a bird of prey facing a tiger - China official school around 1800/1850 H 5,6cm
Snuff bottle grey jade nephrite carved in the shape of a margose or balsam pear (bitter cucumber) with its stem, the animated bottom of honeycombs and a bee. China 1760/1850 H 8cm
cinnabar lacque snuff bottle on metal decorated and sculpted with a rider on one side and characters on a trolley on the other China 19th century H 6,8 cm
Burlwood snuff bottle ( precious wood ) embellished on each face of mother-of-pearl (a phenix and a Shou sign) China 19th century H 5,8cm
Snuff bottle porcelain moulded in the shape of a bamboo branch and decorated with a pine and a prunus symbols of the three winter friends - 19th century H 7,5cm
Snuff bottle lapis lazuli in crest shape - 18/19th century -
snuff bottle corail in shape of two peachs of longevity svastika and bats - Qianlong period 1736/1795 H 4cm
Snuff bottle agate facetted with inclusions naturally suggesting a fish and seaweed - 1760/1850 - H 6cm
snuff bottle porcelain molded with two caracthers on each side .. masks and rings on the shoulders- 19th century
Snuff bottle slightly yellow jade sculpted of the russet vein with two chilongs mounted in silver by Maquet Paris in 1930/40 to make a lighter - circa 1800/50 (bottle)
Puddingstone globular shape Chinese snuff bottle (puddingstones are conglomerates of sedimentary rocks ) 1740/1850 H 5,3cm
snuff bottle jade nephrite spinach color. Sculpted on each face with a rider carrying a flag - Circa 1800/1850
Rare snuff bottle jadeite lavender color with brown spot. 1750/1850 - Maquet Paris silver mount (1930)
Snuff bottle porcelain beige crackle with anhua decoration prunus flowers. circa 1790/1880 Silver metal stopper in the shape of a frog
Jade snuff bottle in fruit shape - circa 1800/1870 SOLD
snuff bottle porcelain decorated on each face with a crab - mark workshop - 1820/1850 -
rare jade snuff bottle sculpted on all the surface - Basket shape - circa 1750/1850
Jade snuff bottle in fruit shape - 1750/1850
Snuff bottle jade russet and green sculpted with figure rocks and clouds - 1750/1800
Snuff bottle agate in fruit form - 1780/1850 - Stopper jadeite
Jade green snuff bottle moghol style - 1765/1850 Gold mount french work dated 1906
jadeite snuff bottle green sculpted - 19th century - Silver mounted by Maquet Rue Royale Paris - 1930 -
snuff bottle agate sculpted over the entire surface with horseman - mask in the shoulders - 19th century
snuff bottle agate sculpted with cricket - Official school - 1800/1850
agate snuff bottle sculpted with scholar and servant in landscape on a face other with figuge in a boat 1800/1850
snuff bottle agate sculpted in the white color with birds and flowers 1800/1850
Agate snuff bottle Very good hollowed - 1800/1850 nice silver mount by Maquet Paris 1930
agate banded snuff bottle double gourd 19th century
snuff bottle agate beige color (very good hollowed) Circa 1780/1850
snuff bottle agate very well hollowed _ Chinese 1750/1850
Snuff bottle in agate of pebble shape - Old stopper coral - 1740/1820
Agate snuff bottle of rare shape - China 19° century -
snuff bottle Agate mousse - 1800/1860
snuff bottle rock Crystal engraved with bamboo - 1800/1850
Pure rock Crystal snuff bottle of rectangular shape - 1800/1850
rock crystal snuff bottle sculpted in the white with flowers reeds and a inscription jiuwan liu xiang - circa 1800/1850
snuff bottle rock Crystal sculpted - 1770/1850 -
Smoked rock Crystal sculpted with flowers - 1820/1850
Crystal Amethyst snuff bottle sculpted with Lotus and pine -1780/1850
Yixing ware snuff bottle enamelled on a face with a monkey and other face with horses - circa 1820/1860
porcelain snuff bottle in fruit shape decorated polychrom enamel . 19° century
snuff bottle porcelain molded and sculpted wiyh the history of the legendary explorer Zhang Qian during a shipwreck - Mark Qianlong - 1820/1870
snuff bottle porcelain polychrom "soft past" decorated with dragons - circa 19th century -
porcelain snuff bottle with two panels decorated with figures in a landscapes _ 19th century
Porcelain snuff bottle shape rare decorated on each face with erotic decor 19° century
snuff bottle porcelain monochrom teadust color - circa 1800/1860 -
Biscuit porcelain snuff bottle sculpted with ladys and childrens 19° century
Snuff bottles moulded - Jiaqing period -
Rare porcelain snuff bottle molded probably immortal He Xiangu - 19th century -
Porcelain snuff bottle in green monochrom sculpted in Wang Bingrong style - 1850 -
Snuff Bottle porcelain Wang Bingrong style- Middle 19th century-
large snuff bottle porcelain double gourd molded in the style of Wang bingrong with Buffalo and boy in a landscape and other face with a crane - Guangxu period 1875/1908
Porcelain snuff bottle moulded and enamelled green - with gourds - 19° century
Snuff bottle porcelain in "Lotus" shape - 1850/1890
Rare porcelain snuff bottle a vegetable shape - 1850/1920 Original stopper
Porcelain snuff bottle influenced by Overlay glass bottle decorated with dragons on yellow ground - Guanxu period 1875/1920
Porcelain snuff bottle in ear of corn shape. XIXth century.
Glass snuff bottle Inside painted with landscapes in each face Lingnan school 1850/60
snuff bottle glass Inside painting with hunting scene - dated 1994 November - signed Su Qidong
snuff bottle Inside painted in rock Crystal smoked decorated with eight horses painted and signed by Ye Zhongsan 1925
rare coral snuff bottle sculpted with mask and ring handles - 1800/1850
Small coral snuff bottle
snuff bottle "jais" sculpted in low relief with a cat looking a butterfly and other face with two rabbits . Mask on the sides - 19th century -
Porcelain snuff bottle imiting the wood - 1900/1940 -
Rare Hornbill snuff bottle sculpted a Fodog with Lingzhi . 19° Century
Coconut snuff bottle sculpted with silver mount stone embelishement Circa 19° century
Chaceldony snuff bottle sculpted - 1760/1820 - Silver mounted French work 1920/1940 -
Glass snuff bottle sculpted imiting Agate - 1800/1850 -
Rare Serpentine snuff bottle rust colored and green - 1740/1820
Lacquer cinabar snuff bottle -Qianlong period 1736 1795
Agate "Moss"snuff bottle 1750/1850 -Mounted by Maquet (Paris)1930/1950
Agate snuff bottle mounted by Maquet
Nephrite snuff bottle white grey and black - 1750/1850
Porcelain snuff bottle finely decorated with mappies - Circa 1800/1850 -
Lacquered wood snuff bottle - 19th century-